Legal notice


Access to and use of this website are subject to these "general terms and conditions" and to applicable laws and/or regulations.

Connection and access to the website implies full and unconditional acceptance by the Internet user of all the provisions of these general terms and conditions.

Covéa Finance reserves the right to amend and update, without notice, these general terms and conditions and all the information, products or services presented on the website. All the information presented on the pages of the website comes from documents considered as reliable by Covéa Finance.

All these amendments are binding on Internet users who must read these general terms and conditions each time they connect.

Identification and publication

The website is published by:

Covéa Finance, a portfolio management company of the MAAF, MMA and GMF groups with share capital of €24 901 254, incorporated as a single-person simplified joint stock company, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 407 625 607 and approved by the French Financial Markets Authority under number GP 97 007.

  • Director of Publication: Francis JAISSON
  • Editorial Director/Website Manager: Francis JAISSON
  • Contact: 8-12 rue Boissy d'Anglas - 75008 Paris or click here
  • Website host: Linkbynet - 5-9, rue de l'Industrie - 93200 Saint-Denis


Conception and design of the website

GAYA, Manufacture digitale
12, bd de Sébastopol
75004 Paris

Photographic credits for documents on the website

Fotolia, Getty Images, Laurent Mauger, Pixabay, The Noonproject, Istock, Thinkstock, Freepik, Adobe Stock

Intellectual property

This website is the property of Covéa Finance, whose head office is located at 8-12 rue Boissy d'Anglas, 75008 Paris.

This website has been declared to the CNIL (French Data Protection Agency) (no. 1158387)

Covéa Finance advises users of this website that most of the elements of this website:

  • are protected by French copyright law
  • are protected by trademark legislation: these trademarks include the "Covéa Finance" trademark and the Covéa Finance logo appearing on the website.

The elements thus protected are the property of Covéa Finance.

To this end, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, partial or complete marketing, in any way, in any form, by any process and on any medium whatsoever (paper, digital, etc.) is prohibited, without Covéa Finance’s prior written authorisation, apart from the exceptions legally permitted by the French Intellectual Property Code (particularly with regard to private copying), under penalty of infringement punishable by imprisonment and a substantial fine.

However, the information specific to this Website may be used by third parties under the following conditions: all information published directly on the website, with the exception of images, photos, videos, posters, logos and trademarks, may be reproduced, represented or republished by third parties after simple prior notification to the website manager, provided that the source is mentioned. However, they may not be used for commercial or advertising purposes.

All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and image and photographic representations.

Website content

The information provided on this website is for information purposes only. It is not intended to solicit the subscription or sale of financial instruments or investment services. The content of this website can in no way be considered as investment advice in relation to any financial instrument or an offer to sell or buy. In addition, since the mere presentation of financial instruments or investment services does not make it possible to enter into a contract, it cannot be considered as a solicitation to buy or sell financial instruments or investment services, or as an offer made to the public to that effect.

Access to the website

The website is intended to provide general information about Covéa Finance and to offer access to specific information on the products offered outside France by Covéa Finance.

Access to this website is intended exclusively for professional clients within the meaning of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2004/39/EC ("MiFID"). The contents of the website are not intended for private clients.

A professional client is one who "possesses the experience, knowledge and expertise to make its own investment decisions and properly assess the risks that it incurs", as opposed to a non-professional client.

The website is also accessible to the following entities:

  • Supervisory authorities
  • Statutory auditors
  • Investment service providers within the meaning of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2004/39/EC ("MiFID")
  • Local agents/transfer agents

It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the laws to which they are subject allow them to consult this website and to determine their own tax status and profile. Access to certain information on the website is limited or restricted on the basis of the user profile selected.

Covéa Finance cannot accept any liability whatsoever for any use of this website in breach of these access conditions.

Conditions governing access to certain information on the website

The information on this website is intended for investors outside the United States of America. This website is not intended for distribution to or the use of U.S. residents or citizens or "U.S. Persons" as this term is defined in the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of 18 March 2010 and the Internal Revenue Code. No financial product may be marketed to "U.S. Persons" or in any State or territory where it is against the law to promote such financial products. This restriction also applies to U.S. residents or "U.S. Persons" able to view or access this website during trips or stays outside the United States of America. The financial products described on this website are not registered under U.S. Federal Law covering tradable securities or under the laws applicable in individual American States.

Information on the products referred to on this website may not be disclosed in any country where the offer of such products for sale is prohibited. Persons who distribute such information in any form or in any manner whatsoever will be liable for any direct or indirect consequences, loss or damage suffered by Covéa Finance as a result of such disclosure.

Users must stipulate a client profile and their tax residence (resident in France or outside France) in order to access certain information available on the website.

Users who declare that they live outside French territory will only be allowed access to documentation relating to UCITS governed by the UCITS IV Directive. Similarly, U.S. nationals are not authorised to access the information on the website.

It is the user's responsibility to enquire about the applicable regulations and the suitability of financial instruments for their personal situation, it being reminded that the information on the website does not in any way constitute promotional material, canvassing, investment advice or a request to buy or sell financial instruments.

On commencing a relationship with the client, Covéa Finance is required to follow its know-your-customer procedures before providing any services. In accordance with the regulations in force, the investor may be categorised as a professional or non-professional client on the basis of their level of knowledge of the financial markets.

In order to comply with the requirements of the legislation preventing money laundering in an investment context, Covéa Finance may request additional documentation in order to confirm your identity, as required by law.

Risks related to financial investment 

The subscription of financial instruments may present risks. The value of investments may go up as well as down depending on market trends and the investor may not recover the amounts invested.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. It should not be the central factor in the investor's investment decision. The management company may not be held liable for any investment or divestiture decision taken on the basis of the information contained on the website.

External sources 

All information from external sources has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, its accuracy, timeliness, relevance and completeness are not guaranteed.


The establishment of a hyperlink to the website requires prior written authorisation from Covéa Finance.

Any such link shall be subject to the legal provisions in force. Covéa Finance reserves the right, at any time, without notice and without having to justify its decision, to prohibit these links. In this case, it will inform the person in question, who will have two working days to remove the link.

In any event, Covéa Finance is in no way liable for the content or products or services offered on the websites to which the website is linked by hyperlinks or any other type of link.

Covéa Finance accepts no liability for the content available on other websites accessible from the website.


Covéa Finance cannot be held liable for damage resulting from viruses in any form, bugs, or even any programme or application that is incompatible with the infrastructure used by users and visitors, nor for damage suffered by users and visitors as a result of a breakdown, interruption or error, development, repair, inspection, maintenance, technical problem, interruption to the telephone network, or related networks or services, overload, negligence or fault of third parties or the user, or in the case of events beyond the control of the website.

Users and visitors use the website at their own risk.

Covéa Finance cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from a visit to the website, the use or inability to use the content of this website. This limitation of liability applies to any type of direct or indirect damage, including loss of data, profits and interruption to business.


Covéa Finance is committed to respecting the rules of good conduct in force in the financial markets and asks its correspondents to do the same.

Read our Code of Ethics

Procedure for handling complaints

COVEA FINANCE has set up a procedure for handling complaints from its customers.
A complaint is defined as "a declaration of the customer's dissatisfaction with a professional. A request for information, advice, clarification, service or provision is not a complaint".

Any complaint from business customers can be sent to Covéa Finance - Service Communication, 8-12 rue Boissy d'Anglas - 75008 Paris. The management company will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within a maximum of ten working days from receipt of the complaint, unless the response itself is provided to the customer within this period. Unless special duly proven circumstances arise, it will provide a response to the customer within two months of receipt of the complaint.

A private customer wishing to make a complaint must contact their banker or life insurer directly.

If you are not satisfied with the response provided, you can contact the AMF's mediation service at the address below:

Médiateur de l'AMF - Autorité des marchés financiers - 17 place de la Bourse 75082 PARIS CEDEX 02.

Personal data protection

Covéa Finance is the portfolio management company of Covéa, a group bringing together the MAAF, MMA and GMF brands.

The personal data contained on the website are processed digitally for the following main purposes: the exchange and communication of information. The data collected on the website are exclusively intended for duly authorised persons.

The data controller is the Marketing and Communication Department of Covéa Finance.

Collection of personal data

The personal data collected on this website (or "Platform") are as follows:

  • Contact form

When filling in the contact form, users and visitors will be able to enter their full name, title, email address, postal address and telephone number.

  • Website statistics tracking

 The IP address is collected for statistical analysis of the website and videos.


Use of personal data

The purpose of the personal data collected from users and visitors is to make the Platform's services available, improve them and maintain a secure environment. More specifically, the uses are as follows:

  • Access and use of the Platform by users and visitors;
  • Management of operation and optimisation of the platform;
  • Management of user and visitor requests and complaints;
  • Verification, identification and authentication of data sent by users and visitors;
  • Prevention and detection of fraud, malware and security incident management;
  • Management of possible disputes with users and visitors.
Sharing personal data with third parties

Personal data may be shared with third parties in the following cases:

  • When the Platform uses the services of service providers to provide statistical analysis, maintenance or hosting. These service providers have limited access to users' and visitors' data as part of the performance of these services and have a contractual obligation to use them in accordance with the provisions of the regulations applicable to personal data protection;
  • If required by law, the Platform may send data to respond to complaints against the Platform and comply with administrative and legal procedures;
  • If the Platform is involved in a merger, acquisition, disposal of assets or receivership procedure, it may be required to sell or share all or part of its assets, including personal data. In this case, users and visitors would be informed before personal data are transferred to a third party.
Security and confidentiality

The Platform implements organisational, technical, software and physical digital security measures to protect personal data against unauthorised alteration, destruction and access.

Implementation of user rights

In accordance with the regulations applicable to personal data, users and visitors have the following rights:

  • They can exercise their right of access to their personal data, by writing to the following email address: In this case, before the implementation of this right, the Platform may request proof of identity of the user or visitor in order to verify its accuracy;
  • If the personal data held by the Platform are inaccurate, they may request that the information be updated by writing to the following email address:
  • Users and visitors may request the modification and/or deletion of their personal data, in accordance with applicable data protection laws, by writing to the following email address:
Change to this clause

The Platform reserves the right to amend this personal data protection clause at any time. If a change is made to this personal data protection clause, the Platform undertakes to publish the new version on its website.

Hosting and maintenance

Link by net is in charge of the operation and hosting of the website.

Gaya is in charge of maintenance services.

They therefore act as technical operators and are not liable for the content.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The website and this legal notice are subject to French law. The French courts have exclusive jurisdiction to rule on any dispute relating to this matter, notwithstanding the fact that the Company may choose another court with jurisdiction to hear a similar dispute under applicable legislation.