Our history

The main stages in the creation of Covéa Finance

Story of an alliance

In 2006, the insurance groups MAAF and GMF pooled the €35 billion of assets managed by their portfolio management companies within a new entity: Covéa Finance.

In 2010, Covéa Finance merged with MMA Finance to create Covéa Group's sole portfolio management company.

Necessary expansion

Boissy Gestion managed assets of over €21 billion for companies of the Azur-GMF Group (mutual guarantee fund for public employees), France's 18th largest asset management company.

MAAF Gestion managed assets of over €12 billion, for MAAF Group companies, France's 31st largest asset management company.

MMA Finance managed over €26 billion for companies of the MMA Group, placing it among France's 20 largest asset management firms.

Shared purposes

Boissy Gestion, MAAF Gestion and MMA Finance had the common purpose of working mainly for their parent companies, 80%-90% institutional asset management, collective management for the general public accounting for the remainder. Covéa Finance continues on this path.

Covéa Finance, Covea group's sole asset management company

Covéa Finance pools the expertise, resources and methods within Covéa, France's leading property and liability insurer. The company conducts its business for the benefit of all the Group's insurance companies.

Covéa's key features

Covéa is a company of the Assurance Mutuelle group, wich enables MAAF, MMA and GMF to manage and coordinate their partnerships (claims, IT, asset management, etc.) and to improve their economic performance, while respecting the values of mutuals.f