Investment expertise

Notre expertise
Finance serving insurance

Independent in its choices, Covéa Finance, an asset management company of the Covéa Group, strives for sustainable, long-term performance. Thanks to the work of its integrated research teams (macroeconomic, microeconomic, quantitative analysts and ESG), the company has demonstrated an award-winning analytical capacity allowing it to anticipate developments in its environment.  Its corporate philosophy places risk control at the heart of its employees’ concerns, each putting their expertise and know-how at the service of its clients.

Our strengths :
  • Active, fundamental management based on a collegial vision and understanding of the world.
  • An agile management company on a human scale.
  • Anticipation: prepared buying and selling points.
  • Optimizing the risk/return trade-off.
  • Integrated research to guarantee independence of mind.
  • Our Economics and Financials Outlooks is structured around structural investment themes.
  • The search for balance between the three pillars E, S and G is at the heart of our approach


Our reason for being: To ensure the sustainable, long-term performance of our clients thanks to an expertise based on our knowledge of discretionary management for insurance companies.

Our objective: To preserve the capital entrusted to us by protecting it from money erosion and by demanding compensation for the risk taken, an objective that requires knowing how to position ourselves on the financial markets, being able to maintain that positioning or re-evaluate it in light of the events.  Adaptability and reactivity are the key words both in anticipating developments of the financial markets and in meeting the expectations and specifications of each client.

Our strength: An expertise offered to insurance companies that has benefited our clients (institutions, companies, portfolio management advisers, etc.) for nearly 15 years

Our managerial philosophy


All of our management teams, accompanied and supported by the research teams, apply a rigorous methodology founded on 4 pillars:

  • eeactivity
  • selectivity
  • sectoral and geographic coverage
  • collegiality of the management process

The main objective is to strive for sustainable, long-term performance for all of our clients.


1. Anticipation for a better reactivity

Our key word: The collective.

Our organisation allows us to have a reactive management style. It gives us the ability to seize the best market opportunities while maintaining the objective of striving for sustainable, long-term performance.

Our research teams and our cross-functional committees bring added insight, allowing us to completely decipher the economic environment.

All of these elements allow us to be reactive and to better prepare our management decisions on the financial markets.


2. Selectivity in our choice of securities

Thanks to the complete deciphering of the economic models, our studies, conducted over several cycles going up to 15 years, and the contribution of quantitative research, our unique approach to companies allows us to have a strong positioning.


3. Wide sectoral and geographic coverage

Our management and research teams, experts and support staff, cover all geographical zones and sectors.


4. A sustainable and proven management process

The in-depth study of the economic and financial environment allows us to identify the areas in which we choose to invest.

The EFO, Economic and Financial Outlooks is a five-stage cycle that takes place three times per year. Guarantee of the sustainability of our collegial management process, it is the backbone of the management teams.

The backbone of our management teams, it ensures the continuity of our collegial management process. 

A collective effort based on cross-disciplinary collaboration between research and management teams. 
  • A synthesis of long-term views of the economic and geopolitical world and the evolution of international markets within this framework
  • Understand our management choices on the markets and explain how we build our portfolios
  • A comprehensive, concise, detailed and well-argued document that presents our conclusions and long-term positions to our customers.
   3 temps forts dans l'année

         1. MARCH

A study focusing on the structural and cyclical aspects of major economies

         2. JUNE

A special study dedicated to financial markets.

         3. NOVEMBER

A specific study on one or more themes chosen according to the economic and financial context as we understand it


Find out more about Covéa Finance

Covéa Finance is the asset portfolio management company of the mutual insurance groups MAAF, MMA and GMF. Independent in its decisions, Covéa Finance targets long-term performance. Through the work of its research teams, the company enjoys recognised and award-winning analytical abilities enabling it to anticipate changes in its environment. Its corporate philosophy puts risk control at the heart of its employees’ activities, which each putting their expertise and know-how to work to provide quality insurance services. Covéa Finance offers a wide range of funds that give investors access to the world’s largest financial markets through diversified asset classes.

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